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This is My Story: Learning to see, talk, and share stories of faith

Faith Stories
Tue, Jan 9 2024, 7:00pm to 8:30pm

Each of us is called to grow our own faith and to grow the faith of those around us. It is not that we are trying to grow Episcopalians or increase membership, though those are important factors to us, but rather that we see the need of so many to be connected to God and to communities of faith. Our faith is a gift to be cherished, grown, and shared.

Last spring U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy alerted the nation to a growing health crisis: loneliness and isolation. “Given the significant health consequences of loneliness and isolation, we must prioritize building social connection the same way we have prioritized other critical public health issues such as tobacco, obesity, and substance use disorders. Together, we can build a country that’s healthier, more resilient, less lonely, and more connected.”

While some of us invite people to services and events at our churches, many of us remain silent when given the opportunity to talk about faith. What are a faithful people to say when circumstance arise that are complex, frightening, tragic, or disturbing? What are we to say when faced with loss, pain, or fear? A variety of good reasons make us hesitate and miss the opportunity offer God's loving presence to those who are struggling with loneliness, isolation, anxiety, fear, and worry.

Bishop Hughes' 2024 Study Group will focus on learning how to talk about faith and developing an ease with using language of faith both inside and outside of our faith communities. We will not focus on converting people or proselytizing, but rather on speaking faith to each other and into the various areas of our lives. Each session will include small group practice time.

The study group with meet on four consecutive Tuesday nights, Jan 9 - 30, 7-8:30 PM. The first two sessions will be via Zoom, the final two sessions will be in person at St. Peter's Essex Fells.

Monday, January 8, 2024, 5:00pm
PDF icon Bishop's Study Group 2024.pdf192.76 KB

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