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Day of Discovery: Discovering and understanding your purpose

The Rev. Dr. Rob Voyle, Facilitator
Sat, Feb 8 2014, 9:00am to 4:00pm

The Rev. Dr. Rob Voyle

Sponsored by:
Committee on Laity, Empowering Team of Council, Mission Strategy Committee

During the "Day of Discovery" you will:

  • Learn how what you love to do is your spiritual fingerprint
  • Do an Appreciative Inquiry into your own life and discover yourself at your best
  • Discern from you at your best doing what you love, your core God-given purpose for being

For more information on Appreciative Inquiry/Appreciative Way go to

Registration Fee: $15  ( to cover materials and lunch).

Combined with Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry you will be able to lead a “Day of Discovery” in your own congregation.

The Registration fee to attend BOTH events is: $25

The registration form is included in the downloadable brochure attached below.

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