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NEWARK ACTS Taking Shape with Interns, Work Sites

The Rev. Deacon Erik Soldwedel
The Rev. Deacon Erik Soldwedel, Program Director of NEWARK ACTS

After months of work by many people, NEWARK ACTS, the Diocese of Newark's new urban internship program which seeks to nurture young adults into becoming community leaders with a heart for ministry, is taking shape.

I began as Program Director on June 1, 2010 by attending the annual Program Director's Meeting for the Episcopal Service Corps (ESC). The meeting offered an immediate network of people who have been engaged in this type of work for many years. We meet as a group monthly through a teleconference and the time is invaluable.

The ESC is the clearing house for all our applicants. Prior to my start date Kaileen Alston, Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministries, and members of the NEWARK ACTS Board interviewed several candidates from throughout the US -- including from as far away as California and Alaska! The board also selected work-sites and set a plan to launch the program on August 23, 2010.

We have six interns who have accepted our invitation, with two more soon to join them. The average age of our interns is 24 and they bring to us energy, commitment, vision and a willingness to make change in our world. The eight interns will arrive in Newark by August 23 to begin an exhilarating and challenging chapter in their lives.

The following sites have chosen to accept an intern for our inaugural program year: Episcopal Community Development, Newark; St. Phillip's Academy, Newark; All Saints' Day School, Hoboken; the Hoboken Shelter; and the Jubilee Center, Hoboken. We are also very proud to have two of our oldest diocesan ministry sites, the Seamen's Church Institute of New York and New Jersey and Christ Hospital, Jersey City, welcome interns this year.

NEWARK ACTS is grateful to be supported by new ministry initiatives like the Marge Christie Fund. We continue to seek funding and accept contributions of time, talent and treasure. Many of our diocesan family have agreed to participate as mentors or spiritual directors and will also be lending their talents as presenters for the continuing education component of NEWARK ACTS. We are preparing two residences for our interns at present and will be in need of household furnishings and kitchen supplies.

NEWARK ACTS is offering to us all a new energy that encourages the willing call to action respecting the knowledge and attentive care we espouse as our theology. 2010 is the year of new ministry!