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New Jersey's Poor Struggle to Stave Off Hunger With Federal Food Aid

Hank Kalet / NJ Spotlight

The Rev. Diane Riley, a deacon in the Diocese of Newark, is quoted in this article.

[NJ Spotlight] As Congress debates the best way to pass a federal farm bill, advocates for New Jersey’s food-aid recipients are concerned that efforts to slash funding for nutrition programs could overburden family budgets at a time when the state’s economy remains fragile and its unemployment rate remains above the national average.

Those receiving food aid say they will need to make tough choices if money from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program is cut -- choices made all the more difficult because most are already buying only what they consider to be the necessities.

Critics of food-aid programs like SNAP, however, say reductions are required to rein in an out-of-control entitlement and that eligibility rules need to be changed to protect those truly in need.