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Diocesan communications wins two Polly Bond Awards

By Nina Nicholson, Director of Communications & Technology

Two articles published by the Diocese of Newark in 2009 won Polly Bond Awards, announced on March 19 at the 37th Annual Episcopal Communicators Conference in Salem, Mass.

Kirk Petersen of St. George's, Maplewood, and Sharon Sheridan of St. Peter's, Morristown received an Award of Excellence in the category "News Writing for Print or Internet" as reporter and editor, respectively, of the article For four parishes, a time to embrace and collaborate. (The VOICE, December 2009, page 8.)

Sheridan, former editor of The Voice, also received an Award of Merit in the category "Editorial or Commentary for Print or Internet" as writer and editor of the article "General Convention Report." (The VOICE, October 2009, page 6.)

The Polly Bond Awards were established in the mid-1970s by Episcopal Communicators to acknowledge excellence and achievement in the ministry of church communication. They are awarded annually at the Episcopal Communicators meeting for a variety of categories.