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Stories Over Stigma: Supporting mental health in high school

Stories Over Stigma: Supporting mental health in high school
Sun, Jan 22 2023, 5:00pm to 6:30pm

Calvary, Summit is proud to feature Minding Your Mind, which produces programs for youth and their caregivers to raise mental health awareness, reduce the stigma often associated with seeking help, and increase use of healthy coping skills.

High school students are invited to hear a story of hope and recovery from a young adult speaker who has successfully and productively coped with their own mental health challenges. Food and de-stress tools will be provided. We will meet in Calvary's Parish Hall.

Parents and caregivers are invited to join a corresponding zoom program led by a licensed counselor on Tuesday, January 24 from 7-8:30 PM to learn about the signs and symptoms of mental health challenges among teenagers and how you can be a support via zoom.

We are able to provide this event at no cost to you, thanks to the generous sponsorship of the Kimberly Anne Wilson Foundation!