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Bon Voyage Evensong

Sat, Jul 20 2024, 5:00pm to 6:00pm

Please join the Grace Choir, Harmonium members and church musicians who are preparing for their residency at Wells Cathedral on July 29-August 4, as they sing their Bon Voyage Evensong. Music by Matthew Harris, William Mundy, Orlando Gibbons, Richard Webster, and Herbert Howells. This is also the day we remember Sojourner Truth, Amelia Bloomer and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, three American women who were pioneers in the struggle for black emancipation and for women's votes. The date chosen for commemorating them is the anniversary of the Women's Rights Convention held in Seneca Falls, New York, July 19-20, 1848. 

This service is in honor of the late George Hayman on what would have been his 75th birthday. We ask you to join us for a reception after the service and to help yourself to a selection of his favorite books about music.