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Advent Lessons and Carols

Christ Church Ridgewood Choir
Sun, Dec 3 2023, 4:00pm

The service of Lessons and Carols first originated in 1880 at Truro Cathedral in Cornwall, England. Bishop Edward White Benson devised the service as a means to attract Cornish revelers out of the pubs and into the church on Christmas Eve. It worked and attracted 400 people to the service. Since that time, the service has become a time-honored tradition throughout the world particularly in England and the US. The service at King’s College in Cambridge with the renowned King’s College Choir has been broadcast live annually by the BBC since 1928.

The service of Advent Lessons and Carols includes the great prophetic readings heralding the coming of the Messiah with carols which echo the scripture following each of the Lessons. The Choir of Christ Church will sing for the service with music of Willcocks, Ord, Archer, Stanton and Joubert. The service will be free and open to all. A reception will follow in the Guilds Room.