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Carlye J. Hughes's blog

A blessed effort: Diocesan Communion on November 8

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Bishop Hughes' Vlog
Communion wafers

During these unusual circumstances, Bishop Hughes wants to ensure that everyone in the Diocese of Newark has the opportunity to receive Communion at least three times in this program year. In this video she invites members of the diocese to participate in – and pray for – the first Diocesan Communion on Sunday, November 8, 2020. (Time: 3:49.)

Featured Expiration: 
Fri, 11/20/2020

Living with COVID: Communion, Convention, and Confirmation

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From Bishop Hughes
Living with COVID

Dear Companions on the Journey,

As I’m sure you well recall, I put emergency measures into place for this pandemic in March of this year, with in-person worship being suspended in most churches on March 15 and in all churches by March 22. This emergency approach stayed in place into the summer, even as Journey Forward guidelines were issued in June. These guidelines permitted a return to in-person worship for congregations interested and able to do so. Staying completely online or remote continues to be an absolutely acceptable way to worship.

Featured Expiration: 
Thu, 11/05/2020

Praying for our country

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Bishop Hughes' Vlog
Bishop Carlye J. Hughes

"I think if Episcopalians will do what we do – pick up our prayer books and say our prayers faithfully – then we have done an important act of service for the entire nation," says Bishop Hughes.

Featured Expiration: 
Thu, 10/08/2020


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Bishop Hughes' Vlog
The Reconiliation of a Penitent

Bishop Hughes talks about the rite of confession and forgiveness in our Book of Common Prayer, and how it can be a means letting go of grudges and wounds and going forth changed and blessed.

Featured Expiration: 
Thu, 09/17/2020

Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord

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Bishop Hughes' Vlog
Bishop Carlye J. Hughes

Bishop Hughes offers words of encouragement: "God will be with us every step of this pandemic, every bit of economic insecurity, every moment of protesting in our work to end racism and end white supremacy – God will continue to be with us."

Featured Expiration: 
Thu, 08/20/2020

Pastoral letter on the guidelines for in-person worship in the Diocese of Newark

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From Bishop Hughes
Journey Forward

The guidelines and planning forms published this week are important tools for helping every congregation to decide when and how to begin in-person worship.

Featured Expiration: 
Fri, 07/24/2020


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