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A Thanksgiving blessing

Bishop Hughes at Clergy Conference in October 2018. CYNTHIA L. BLACK PHOTO

Bishop Hughes at Clergy Conference in October 2018. CYNTHIA L. BLACK PHOTO

Dear Companions on the Journey,

You are in my prayers this holiday. I hope your celebrations are filled with love, laughter, and a really good meal! We are a beloved and much blessed people, I pray that each of us will bless one another this holiday and every day.

I offer this blessing for you and your families as you gather to celebrate.

May God be with you this Thanksgiving,
may God’s love embrace your gatherings with family and friends,
may God’s healing balm bring comfort to those suffering among you,
may God’s compassion shape our conversations and actions,
and may God’s blessing surround, fill, and carry you now and always. Amen.

Grace, peace, and Happy Thanksgiving,
Bishop Carlye Hughes


Happy Thanksgiving, Bishop Carlye!  We are thankful for your Ministry in the Diocese of Newark.

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