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A message from Bishop Hughes for Easter 2022

A message from Bishop Hughes for Easter 2022

Dear Companions on the Journey,

Suddenly it is Holy Week! What a gift and blessing to observe Holy Week services in person this year. As importantly, we prepare to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ as a changed people. God has been generous, and we are grateful.

We have learned a new appreciation for the gift of time with family, friends, and our faith community. We have become more aware of God’s presence in our daily lives. Our sacred texts, the Bible and the Book of Common Prayer, have seen regular usage and study. The way we pray has expanded, taken deep root, and informed our response to the troubles of these times. We are a changed people and a changed church.

I am confident that, as we observe Christ’s Passion, death, and resurrection this year, we are more able to see, hear, and know God’s leading for our lives and our churches. The changes and pressures we face may be relentless, but God is steadfast.

May Jesus’ ferocious love of all God’s people fill us and propel us into the world, generously sharing the abundance of God’s love, mercy, and compassion with a hurting world.

You have my prayers for a blessed Holy Week and a glorious Easter.

Grace and peace,
Bishop Hughes

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