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Faithful responses to the Trump rally shooting

Seal of the Diocese of Newark

"Heavenly Father, in you we live and move and have our being: We humbly pray you so to guide and govern us by your Holy Spirit, that in all the cares and occupations of our life we may not forget you, but may remember that we are ever walking in your sight; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." (BCP p 100)

Dear Companions in Faith,

The attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump was a shock to all of us. The country and the world have been appalled and saddened that political life in the United States has become characterized by violence.

The first days after a violent act are a critical time for law enforcement agencies to develop a more complete picture of any incident. Gathering evidence takes time and is crucial to prosecution and prevention. Meanwhile, others have used this time to spread misinformation and deliver hurt and blame, all the while fueling a dangerous situation.

This circumstance is intolerable. Our current political life endangers politicians, their families, their staffs, and average Americans caught in the crossfire. We reject this violence, but what are we to do?

Start where you are. Remember that you are a disciple of Jesus Christ and being a disciple shapes your responses:

  • Pray for healing for former President Trump, and those hurt during the attempt.
  • Pray for the participant who died and his family.
  • Decide to be a voice for unity and common good. Look for the ways God guides you to bring peace and unity in your own community.
  • Refuse to blame or denigrate those you disagree with. Learn how to be in conversation across differences. Take the Civil Discourse Online Training being offered next month. Click here to register.
  • Speak often about your hope for a violence-free election season.
  • Renew your efforts to reduce gun violence.
  • Speak openly about your faith and how it leads you to proclaim God’s love.

As followers of Jesus, we are called to see Christ in every member of humankind, and to treat everyone as precious in God's sight. Our lives are guided and governed by a loving God who is always near to us. With God's help, each of us can transform this election season into a time of unity and hope for the future. We are not alone, nor are we helpless. We are ever walking in God's sight.

Grace and peace,
Bishop Hughes

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