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Human Resources

In the Diocese of Newark, the Bishop's Advisory Committee on Human Resources oversees Human Resources for clergy, church lay staff and the Bishop's staff.

This committee is appointed by the Bishop to address employment and benefits policy for the diocese and its congregations, including medical, pension and compensation provisions. On an annual basis, the Committee reviews health insurance offerings provided by the Medical Trust and recommends choices to Diocesan Council for ratification, and reviews clergy compensation and benefits policy to present update to the Diocesan Convention for ratification.

Members of the Advisory Committee on Human Resources

Robert LaPene - Chair
George Ackley
Maria Force
The Rev. Ruben Jurado
Mary Beth King
The Rev. Tom Laws
Lindsay McHugh
John Niles
Dr. Matthew Price
John Sandfort
The Rev. Deacon Erik Soldwedel
John King - Diocesan Staff
Leslie A. Thomas - Diocesan Staff