As we turn the page on January and look ahead to the rest of 2025, now is a great time to plan a schedule of year-round stewardship communication.
At the 150th Diocesan Convention in November 2024, Bishop Hughes announced the formation of a new Commission that would lift up the ministry to people in the first third of life across the diocese, one of the initiatives recommended in the Strategic Vision adopted by Diocesan Council in late 2023.
The Racial History Committee’s role is to help congregations be in conversation about their racial histories, which is not a one-time thing, but rather an ongoing process.
In the early weeks of Advent, people in our parishes and the wider community collected nearly 1000 gifts to be distributed by the Prison Ministry.
On Saturday, January 11, the First Third of Life Commission’s Youth Team organized an educational trip to the Cathedral Church
Trinity & St. Philip's Cathedral, in conjunction with Holy Trinity, West Orange, hosted a short vigil for the National TPS Alliance for Immigration on Tuesday, Jan. 7.
The Anti-Racism Commission was established by the Diocese of Newark at convention in 2011. Today, we recognize the vital and
On Sunday, Dec. 8, Good Shepherd, Ringwood sponsored a Narcan training class. Narcan is an emergency nasal spray used to reverse the effects of an opiate overdose.
Whether it’s bringing in income through tenants, developing community partnerships, or finding other creative uses for existing space, physical assets can play a key role in supporting mission.
If you've finished up your fall pledge campaign (even if there are a few pledges outstanding), this could be the perfect time to invite your congregation to consider an additional, meaningful way to support your church: a Matthias Gift.