Bishop Hughes’ Vlog

Vlog (noun): a blog in which the postings are primarily in video form.

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February 5, 2025

Look for the good God is calling into being

In this time of confusion and chaos, Bishop Hughes invites us to remember that God, who called all creation into being, is with us and even now is calling into being compassion, courage, faithfulness, and justice. (Time: 5:16.)
U.S. Customs & Border Patrol

January 31, 2025

Pastoral Letter: Christian responses to immigration enforcement

Work in our diocese is well underway to prepare and support congregations and ministries primarily comprised of and/or serving people of color in the event they need to respond to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids.
Praying together

January 24, 2025

Pastoral Letter: Caring for each other in this time

I encourage every one of us to release our partisan political viewpoint while at church and instead to step fully into the role of follower of Jesus Christ.

January 22, 2025

What is Christian and what is political?

Bishop Hughes reminds us that while aligning oneself with the marginalized can feel political, taking care of God’s beloved people – all of them, however they are found, and wherever they are found – is Christian. (Time: 4:27.)
St. Mark's, Altadena fire Jan. 8, 2025

January 13, 2025

California wildfires – how we can help

Bishop Hughes suggests how we can help those affected by the California wildfires with our donations and prayers.

January 8, 2025

This is our Epiphany moment

Bishop Hughes reminds us that even though this is time when many are fearful, our role as Christians is not a role of fear – it is a role of showing the light of Jesus, the light of God’s love, the light that the Holy Spirit leads us into, not only receiving that light, but showing it to everybody who is near us. (Time: 4:59.)

December 18, 2024

This season, be gentle with your words

Bishop Hughes reminds us that at this moment, when so much of what we’re hearing in the world is harsh and hard-hearted, the way we speak to others and the way we speak to ourselves can be an incredible gift. (Time: 5:00.)

December 4, 2024

Remember the spirit of generosity that comes to us in Advent

Speaking about the spirit of generosity that comes with Advent as we prepare Christmas gifts for those to whom we want to show our love and appreciation, Bishop Hughes observes, “Our heart opens up, and our goal is to take care of somebody else, and something in that gives us something that we weren’t expecting – an incredible sense of love and peace and abundance and a knowledge that we are in the midst of God’s world doing what God wants us to do, that we are giving what God has to give, that we are giving God’s love, not just our own love, that it’s fueled by God in the first place.” (Time: 4:44.)

November 20, 2024

God’s grace and generosity at Convention

Bishop Hughes describes how she experienced God’s grace and generosity at the 150th Convention, remembering how we are united, not by political party or election outcomes, but because we follow Jesus Christ, and how she saw that manifest. (Time: 4:46.)

November 9, 2024

Bishop Hughes’ sermon at the 150th Convention

Three days after the 2024 presidential election was decided, Bishop Hughes gave her sermon at the 150th Diocesan Convention on Micah 6:8: “He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Time: 32:39.)