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We Ask Your Support for the Alleluia Fund

The Alleluia Fund

Each year during the Easter season, the people and congregations of our diocese join together as "flashlights of faith" to support outreach and mission by making gifts to the Alleluia Fund.

The Alleluia Fund begins during the Alleluia season -- Easter Sunday through Pentecost Sunday. It is a time of education, celebration and offering. Gifts go directly to support outreach and mission in the Episcopal Diocese of Newark with no overhead or administrative costs.

We invite clergy and congregations to join us in raising awareness of the Alleluia Fund. Here are some ways you can help:

  • Announce the Alleluia Fund on Sundays during the Alleluia season.
  • Download the Alleluia Fund brochure and make copies for your congregation. (If you need us to make copies for you, let us know.)
  • Include a paragraph about the Alleluia Fund in Sunday bulletins, or your church newsletter or e-newsletter. Click here for some suggested text.
  • Preach. Consider connections to lectionary readings.
  • Schedule an adult forum to focus on food, shelter, education or international programs, or invite a guest preacher to speak on outreach and mission. Contact the Rev. Diane Riley for suggestions.

Click here to make a gift online or for downloadable resources.