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Video: Youths' favorite programs at General Convention

Diocesan youth in the exhibit hall at General Convention.
Nina Nicholson, Director of Communications

Thirteen high school students from the Diocese of Newark attended part of the General Convention, July 2018 in Austin TX. While there they visited the exhibit hall to learn about programs of the Church. Afterwards, they gave these presentations about the program that spoke to them the most.

In this video, after the opening introduction by the Rev. Sheelagh Clarke, Interim Coordinator for Youth and Young Adult Ministries, and Kathy DeWalt, one of the adult chaperones, you will hear from:

Jillian, Shelby and Shayla on Episcopal Relief & Development (01:00)

Ben and Rosemarie, also on Episcopal Relief & Development (01:39)

Patrick, Donald and Eron on the Order of the Daughters of the King (07:02)

Nicholas and James on Thistle Farms (09:03)

Iheoma and Rebecca on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict (11:20)

Lena on the Sisters of St. Margaret (14:56)