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Video: Bishop Beckwith blesses the newly renovated Military Park

Senator Cory Booker, interim Newark Mayor Luis Quintana and Bishop Mark Beckwith

"The sun has come out - and that is an omen for this park, for this city, for our life together," said Bishop Mark Beckwith, before leading the assembled people in a blessing of the newly renovated Military Park, at its grand opening on June 13, 2014.

Bishop Beckwith invited those assembled to join in the blessing by chanting harambee – a Swahili word meaning "Let's pull together."

(Video by Randy Johnson; time: 3:04.)

The renovation of Military Park was led by Daniel Biederman, who launched his career as an urban development guru with the renovation of New York City’s Bryant Park, which reopened in 1992. Biederman is also responsible for the renovations of Herald Square in New York City, Rittenhouse Square in Philadelphia and Schenley Plaza in Pittsburgh.

Trinity & St. Philip's Cathedral is located at the north end of Military Park. Anzella King-Nelms, a member of the Cathedral's congregation, serves on the Military Park Partnership’s board of directors.

See also Military Park opens with music, politicians' praise (The Star-Ledger, June 13, 2014).