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United Thank Offering Grants - Change in Timeline

Michael Francaviglia, Director of Administration

There has been a change in the timeline for grant applications for 2013. Grant applications will be accepted only online from January 1 through February 28, 2013. The grant criteria and changes may be viewed beginning November 1 at

The United Thank Offering (UTO) supports programs that address compelling human needs by supporting the alleviation of poverty, both domestically and internationally, within the Anglican provinces, dioceses, and companion dioceses.

Specifically, it supports projects that:

  • Address poverty of women and children;
  • Make significant impact;
  • Demonstrate new and innovative work;
  • Are a part of a planned diocesan/provincial mission strategy.

Each diocese in The Episcopal Church may submit one application for a project within the diocese. The bishop must provide a letter of endorsement on letterhead stationary with signature and comments for applications within dioceses of The Episcopal Church.