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Two St. Paul's churches collaborate to help those facing housing insecurity

Two St. Paul's churches collaborate to help those facing housing insecurity
Julie Hamon

On April 10, sixteen members of St. Paul’s, Montvale went to St. Paul's, Paterson to distribute clothing, shoes, blankets, toiletries, backpacks, clean socks and underwear, and a meal to those currently facing homelessness and housing insecurity. This was the culmination of a months-long drive collecting the needed items from parishioners, community members and other churches in the Diocese of Newark.

Before departing for Paterson, members of St. Paul’s Montvale gathered to create and bag the meals and pack six vehicles to the brim with the needed supplies.

At St. Paul's, Paterson, the Montvale volunteers set up tables, and lines formed even before set-up was complete. The volunteers had the privilege of talking to over 100 people, including children, who came through the line of donated items.

Said the Rev. Jill Williams, Priest-in-Charge at St. Paul's, Montvale, "It was a wonderful community-growing and outward facing, hands-on ministry that St. Paul’s, Montvale intends to be the hallmark of its outreach work."