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Stewardship Matters: What About the Letter?

What About the Letter?
Cynthia McChesney, Missioner for Stewardship and Legacy Giving

Eight quick reminders to keep in mind:

  1. First, who's writing the letter and is it underway?
    If not, that's a priority. Summer is the perfect time to write get the letter pulled together.
  2. What are your main points? What's your "case"?
    Remember, it's not about "funding the budget." You're raising money to support ministries. If you'd like more info on building your case for support, click here to watch our recent webinar: Making the Case: Designing for Impact.
  3. What ministry stories can you tell?
    Worship services? Children's programs? Music? Outreach? Any and all of these are ministries, and pledge support from your congregation makes them possible. Collect your congregation's stories. And when possible, quantify them!
  4. When writing, think "human to human."
    Address readers directly. Direct marketers know that the reader's favorite word in a letter is "you." There are more tips on getting your letter read in this video.
  5. Personalize the letters!
    Yes, it is more work. Someone has to set up mail merge or pay close attention to individual letters rather than just copying one letter. But think about it. You're asking people to make a significant financial pledge. Isn't it appropriate to personalize the letter?
  6. Add visual impact.
    If you're not including a separate brochure that goes into more detail, can you include in the body of the letter some photo thumbnails of "ministry at work"?
  7. Thinking about using only email?
    Think again. While you can surely use emails as part of your communication strategy, it is a best practice to write a strong letter that's printed and signed. Yes, you can also use email, but don't forego an actual letter sent in the mail.
  8. What about TENS?
    As a member of the Diocese, you have full access to all materials, including campaign templates all available on the website. Remember, you can (and should) personalize your campaign materials to your church! When asked for your password on, it is Jeremiah 17:8.