Ross Wisnewski of St. Mary's in Sparta shares information on a new Year-Round Stewardship initiative:
We are beginning a new effort at St. Mary’s to introduce year-round stewardship. Using our weekly on-line news, EChimes, we are introducing “Stewards of Ministry.”
St. Mary’s Stewardship Committee will begin a new E-Chimes series called Stewards of Ministry. The thought behind this series is that all we do with all that we are and with all that we have is stewardship. Seen in this regard, involvement in each and every ministry of St. Mary’s is an act of stewardship.
Each week we will hear from a member of a St. Mary’s ministry, like Altar Guild or Outreach or Bell Choir or our coffee hour community. They will tell us who they are and why they invest their time and talents and often their treasure in their chosen ministry. We will hear what called them to a particular ministry, what they bring to that ministry, and what it means to them to be a part of that ministry.
We expect that often we will hear of a particular event or a particular person at St. Mary’s in which this person was invited to participate in a ministry that has proven deeply meaningful in his or her life. And who knows, we may even be inspired to participate ourselves!
As part of Stewards of Ministry, we will ask that each ‘steward’ follow these guidelines to introduce their ministry. In addition to including a photo, Stewards of Ministry will provide this brief information:
Introduction – Briefly sharing background, family, vocation and/or avocation, cradle Episcopalian or transition story, member of St. Mary’s since when?, why they chose St. Mary’s.
Ministry description – What is its focus, what about it drew the Steward to participate? Who or what invited them to join, how do they contribute to this ministry, how does this ministry draw upon their gifts, what do they gain from this ministry?
Invitation – How would they invite others to participate in this ministry?
What do you think of Stewards of Ministry? How might you and your church use or adapt this Year-Round Stewardship practice?
Let us know!
Cynthia McChesney
Missioner for Stewardship and Legacy Giving
phone: 973-430-9909