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Standing Committee calls on Districts to nominate committee members

Search for the XI Bishop of Newark

DATE: March 31, 2017
FROM: The Standing Committee of the Diocese of Newark
To: Our sisters and brothers in the Diocese of Newark

With Bishop Beckwith’s announced retirement in September 2018, the Diocesan Standing Committee has begun the work required for discerning new episcopal leadership. We have committed ourselves to thorough, thoughtful and prayerful discernment, and the next 18 months promise to be a special time of renewal, recommitment, and discovery.

Two committees, the Search/Nominating Committee and the Transition Committee, will assist us in our work. The Search/Nominating Committee’s role is to search for and nominate the persons best suited to serve as our Bishop in this particular time of our spiritual journey as a Diocese (click here for detailed description). The Transition Committee’s work includes helping with the election and consecration process, as well as facilitating the Bishop-elect’s adjustment (click here for detailed description). Although these Committees have very different responsibilities, much of their work goes on concurrently. A required retreat for all Committee members is scheduled for Friday evening, June 9, 2017 and Saturday, June 10, 2017. Our hope is that both committees will reflect the diverse population of our Diocese. In order to facilitate this broad representation, we are looking to the Districts to help populate these Committees.

Therefore, we ask that District Conveners from each of the 10 Districts call for and convene a special District meeting no later than May 2, 2017. Prior to the date of that meeting, individual congregations (if they have not already done so) should choose one clergy and one lay representative to attend their District meeting. Any member of the Diocese who would like to be considered for nomination by their District should complete the application form on the Diocesan webpage. From the pool of applicants from their District, each District will nominate one lay and one ordained nominee, and together, these District nominees will form a pool from which the Standing Committee will populate the Search/Nominating and Transition Committees. The District Convener should forward the names of elected nominees to the Standing Committee on or before Friday, May 5, 2017. Non-parochial clergy of the Diocese interested in serving on these Committees may also submit a completed application, found on the Diocesan website, for consideration by the Standing Committee. The Standing Committee may consider other applicants to provide balance for the committees.

Thank you for your participation in this process. We give thanks for God’s guidance and faithfulness, and ask that you continue to pray with us in the weeks and months ahead.

Faithfully yours,

Ms. Naomi Horsky, Standing Committee President
The Rev. John Mennell, Vice President
The Rev. Mary Davis
Ms. Wendy Drake-Schneider
The Rev. Joseph Harmon
Ms. Patrice Henderson
The Rev. Deacon Chris McCloud
Ms. Brenda Sherman

Gracious God,
We, your people in the Diocese of Newark, give you thanks and praise for your work among us and through us, generation to generation. Lead us in the months ahead as we prayerfully search for our next Bishop. Raise up for us a steadfast steward who will embrace our broad and blessed diversity and uphold the apostolic heritage of your Church. Guide us to a faithful witness who speaks the Gospel truth in love and joy, and intimately knows your Word and world. And direct us, your disciples, in our discernment, so our faith may increase and our works glorify your Name. All this we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit, be honor and glory throughout all ages.