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St. Michael's, Wayne using Gifted, Called, Sent resources in Lenten program

Gifted, Called, Sent
The Rev. Deacon Deborah R. Drake

St. Michael’s Church in Wayne is on the Going Local (now Living local) Journey, and its members have been equipping themselves with spiritual tools for discipleship and to go out into the world. During Lent, the people of St. Michael’s are using the Gifted, Called, Sent exercises from Convention in a six-week study on discipleship, purpose of spiritual gifts, confidence in our gifts, types of spiritual gifts and ministry of the laity. As part of this, they will take the Spiritual Gifts Assessment given out at Convention.

To provide plenty of options for participants, six groups will meet in homes and in the church throughout the week: one on Sunday, two on Tuesday, two on Wednesday, and one on Thursday.

A lifelong journey involves discovering who we are in the Body of Christ, which includes discovering our spiritual gifts. This is part of growing in faith and discipleship.