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St. John's in Ramsey Prepares Food for 10,000 with "Stop Hunger Now!"

St. John's in Ramsey "Stop Hunger Now!" event
Kathy Lathrop

Perhaps St. John’s Memorial Church in Ramsey can’t eradicate world hunger, but on Saturday, February 25 they made a significant step toward filling the bellies of 10,000 children at a food packaging event with Stop Hunger Now!, an international hunger relief organization that coordinates the distribution of food and other life-saving aid around the world.

The morning began as a crew of ten unloaded 50-pound bags of rice and boxes of soy protein, vitamins, dehydrated vegetables, and the equipment to measure, package, seal and ship the finished meals. Then over sixty parishioners, their families and friends, and the confirmation class of Redeemer Lutheran Church gathered in St. John’s parish hall. Corey and Kate, volunteers from Stop Hunger Now!, showed a brief training video and divided the volunteers into work stations.

In little over an hour and a half, enough packets were completed to feed lunch to 10,000 children in the developing world. Through the work of many hands, the truck was reloaded and the parish hall was put to rights before noon.