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Sowing Seeds Of Health For Kids And Families

A child uses a NJ FamilyCare coloring book. ANGIE RATKOWITZ PHOTO
Angie Ratkowitz and the Rev. Elizabeth Wigg Maxwell, St. Peter’s, Livingston

The Women’s Commission breakfast at Diocesan Convention is always worth getting up for, and 2011 was no exception. The entire deputation from St. Peter’s, Livingston attended in order to hear speaker Cecilia Zalkind from Advocates for Children of New Jersey. With budget cuts looming, this is an important time for children and families in New Jersey. But what can one (small!) congregation do to make a difference?

At the suggestion of Ms. Zalkind and ACNJ, our deputies learned about NJ FamilyCare, a state program which provides low or no-cost health insurance for kids and low-income parents/guardians. NJ FamilyCare works with community organizations to get information and assistance to the public. We recognized that St. Peter’s Thrift Shop, a ministry of the parish for fifty years, was a way to reach out to potential users of the program.

NJ FamilyCare provided materials to advertise the program, as well as a representative equipped with a computer to register families. On two dates this spring, the NJ FamilyCare rep and members of St. Peter’s introduced themselves to Thrift Shop customers (in English and Spanish) and invited them to learn about the program. Children were given toothbrushes and NJ FamilyCare coloring books. Among those we spoke with were an unemployed middle-aged man, a young single mother of two, and a grandmother with custody of a grandchild. In all, ten families were registered which NJ FamilyCare considered a success!

We will continue offering information and assistance with this important program in the fall. It was a success not only for the families who now have health insurance, but also for St. Peter’s. It helped us see that small faith communities and small projects can make a difference, and given us the courage to consider even greater challenges – like that mustard seed Jesus talked about!