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The Sisters of St. John Baptist celebrate 100 years of ministry

Community of St. John Baptist
Sister Barbara Jean Packer

On April 27, a brilliant, sunny Saturday, the Sisters of St. John Baptist, a religious order for women in the Episcopal Church, celebrated one hundred years of ministry at their historic convent building in Mendham Township. About 180 friends, Associates and local residents joined the Sisters for a service of thanksgiving, followed by a joyous procession to the cornerstone itself where prayers of thanksgiving were offered.

Bishop Mark Beckwith presided at the service. At the festive luncheon on the convent lawn that followed, he spoke of the Sisters’ history in the Diocese of Newark (see list below). Visiting bishops Herbert Donovan, Prince Singh, and Dominic Walker were also present.

One special feature of the day was a photo display including pictures dating back to the community’s beginnings in the nineteenth century in New York City. The photos, which will be a permanent collection, include some views of Mendham Township taken when open fields dominated the landscape. The forest that became the Schiff Reservation in the 1930’s was under cultivation one hundred years ago. It could be seen clearly from the Sisters’ property.

Another special feature was a series of ice sculptures by Jimmy Chiappa of “Jimmy’s Artistic Creations” to mark the occasion.

ice sculpture by Jimmy Chiappa

One of the ice sculptures by Jimmy Chiappa.

The youngest guests at the event included Melissa and Andrew Bryan from St. Mark’s Church in Mendham, where the Sisters are active. Melissa and Andrew served as acolytes at the service. A special guest was Ethel Dennis, age 87, who had once been an orphan at St. Marguerite’s Home, which sits across from the convent. The home, which was closed in the 1940’s, was re-opened as a retreat house for groups from churches and other organizations.

Today the Sisters are busy hosting meetings, retreats and conferences. They also offer spiritual guidance to many who come to the Convent. Religious services are open to the public, and are listed on the Community’s website at

Young people from Daytop New Jersey volunteered at the event. The Daytop facility is located in the Sisters’ school in Mendham, and ministry to Daytop is part of the Sisters’ outreach.

Sisters Eleanor Francis and Barbara Jean with the Proclamation from the Township of Mendham thanking the Community for its service over the years.

Sisters Eleanor Francis and Barbara Jean with a Proclamation from the Township of Mendham
thanking the Community for its service over the years.

Mayor Richard Merkt of Mendham Township was on hand to offer congratulations from the Township Committee and presented a Proclamation that said in part: “Whereas… the Community offers a variety of ministries including guidance at St. Marguerite’s House, and support at Daytop teenage drug treatment center…and whereas our entire community has benefited from the influence the convent has exerted through the years,…the Township extends…best wishes to the Community on the occasion of the 100th anniversary.”

All proceeds from this event will help the Sisters to replace the Convent’s 100 year old roof.

Work in the Diocese of Newark

  • House of Prayer, Newark: Parish work and orphanage 1876-1883; Christian Education 1984-86
  • Grace Van Vorst, Jersey City: Parish work, Church School, Summer camp, food pantry and clothing outlet 1950-1980
  • Christ Church, Newark: Parish work 1951-1953
  • St. John’s, Dover: Christian education (weekdays, after school) 1950’s
  • St. Mark’s Mendham: In and out since 1915: Church School, parish visiting, conducting services, pastoral care; two Sisters presently active

Other work

  • St. Marguerite’s Home for Girls 1908-1945
  • St. Anna’s Home for Girls 1915-1943
  • St. John Baptist School (College Preparatory-founded in NY 1880) 1915-1983
  • St. Marguerite’s Retreat House and Convent day groups 1961- present
  • Ministry to Daytop Rehabilitation Center and Preparatory School 1991-present
  • Christ Hospital chaplaincy 2002-2005
  • General outreach: Quiet Days, Vacation Bible School, adult education, around the diocese and service on diocesan committees 1915-present