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Second BCEF Call of 2015: Christ Church, East Orange

Christ Church, East Orange
John King, Director of Administration

“…And anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name, just because you belong to me, will surely be rewarded.” – Mark 9:41 (CEV)

Situated at 422 Main Street in East Orange for almost 125 years, the English Gothic limestone edifice of Christ Church has witnessed much in its own history as well as the surrounding neighborhood which it has been closely associated with. Originally formed in 1868 to establish an Episcopal presence in East Orange, Christ Church has cultivated a long history of involvement in the life of East Orange. As times have changed in this urban center, so have the goals and objectives of the ministries and service for this congregation.

Christ Church carries on the tradition of service to the community today. For over thirty years, they have run a weekly food pantry and a soup kitchen each Saturday providing hospitality to those in need. Facing increasing economic hardship in the local area, the congregation has recognized the need to expand the soup kitchen ministry, and they have taken multiple steps in recent years to prioritize this expansion.

In late 2013, Christ Church purchased and relocated, with assistance from the Alleluia Fund, the large walk-in refrigerator that had been at the former Episcopal church property in Belleville. Then again, with the help of an Alleluia Fund grant in 2014, they funded expansion of the operation of this soup kitchen from one day a week to three. Their assessment of this need has proved to be spot on. They have already been filled to capacity on the additional days that the soup kitchen is open. Hundreds of guests weekly are welcomed to come and share a meal within the confines of Christ Church.

As the church recognized the needs to increase their service, so too have they recognized that they need to continue to upgrade the physical plant of the property. The vestry and property committee are currently in discussions with various vendors, including some recommended by other churches in the diocese, regarding updating a vastly inefficient boiler heating system. They hope to design a system that meets all the needs of the building, for not only the sanctuary, but for the parish hall and program areas that are utilized to provide hospitality to those less fortunate in their community.

This second call of the 2015 Bishop’s Church Emergency Fund is for Christ Church, East Orange, to provide financial support to the upgrading of the heating system in order that they may continue to offer warm hospitality to their neighbors that need it most.