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Reported Haiti Donations Reach $140K

Nina Nicholson, Director of Communications

The total reported amount given to Haiti relief by the Diocese and its congregations and members is $140,138.15 as of April 20, 2010. This is comprised of $126,223.15 raised by 40 congregations; $3915.00 donated by 13 individuals; and $10,000 allocated by the Diocese of Newark's Diocesan Council at its meeting on January 13.

Note: Some churches are not keeping a tally but instead asking parishioners to donate directly to Episcopal Relief & Development. Therefore, the actual amount donated from our diocese is probably higher. Where donation information is available, please forward it to Nina Nicholson, Director of Communications.

Bishop Beckwith recommends donating to Episcopal Relief & Development's Haiti Fund (watch video), as does the Presiding Bishop (watch video). ERD has supported the Diocese of Haiti for many years through a central Development Office and a network of 28 development agents.

See Also:

Episcopal Relief & Development's Haiti Crisis page
Includes downloadable bulletin inserts