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Recipients of the 8th Annual Clara Horsley Leadership Awards

Front row, l-r: Recipients, A. Lorraine Jones, the Ven. Christine McCloud, Sebrena Davis and the Rev. Lynn Collins. Back row, l-r: UBE members, the Rev. Dr. Miguel Hernandez and  the Rev. Dr. Michelle White; Bishop Carlye Hughes; and recipient, the Rev. Canon Gregory A. Jacobs.
Danielle D. Baker
Front row, l-r: Recipients, A. Lorraine Jones, the Ven. Christine McCloud, Sebrena Davis and the Rev. Lynn Collins. Back row, l-r: UBE members, the Rev. Dr. Miguel Hernandez and the Rev. Dr. Michelle White; Bishop Carlye Hughes; and recipient, the Rev. Canon Gregory A. Jacobs.

The Clara Horsley Leadership Award is given by the Newark Chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians (UBE) in loving memory of the outstanding parochial, diocesan and chapter leadership of Mrs. Clara Horsley who was a founder of the Newark Chapter of UBE.

For years, Clara, a devoted member of Christ Church, East Orange, New Jersey, served as Senior and Junior Warden, Vestryperson, President of the Altar Guild and as a member of the Preservation and Restoration Committee, to name just a few. At Christ Church, East Orange for more than thirty-five years, she served as the President of the Diocesan Episcopal Church Women (ECW) and was an active leader of the ECW at the parish, diocesan, provincial and national levels.

Clara attended the General Convention of the Episcopal Church for many years as a visitor and served on the Diocesan Profile Committee for the selection of the ninth bishop of the Diocese of Newark. She was the President of the local chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians for two terms.

Each year nominees for this award are persons who demonstrate great leadership qualities as well as those who are willing to serve to promote God's kingdom in this part of His vineyard. These individuals are special in that they are willing to serve not only on a parochial level, but also on a diocesan level.

The nominees leadership must model that of Clara — a Communicant in good standing in the Episcopal Diocese of Newark, engaged in the life, the work and the ministry of the Diocese of Newark as well as their congregation for a minimum of three (3) years. They can be either lay or clergy and not required to be members of the UBE. The UBE Newark Chapter is proud to congratulate this year’s Honorees:

  • The Reverend Canon Gregory A. Jacobs – Canon to the Ordinary Diocese of Newark
  • The Venerable Christine McCloud – Archdeacon, Episcopal Diocese of Newark
  • The Reverend Lynn Collins – Regional Director, UBE Northeast Region
  • Ms. A. Lorraine Jones – President, UBE, Newark Chapter
  • Mrs. Sebrena Davis – Member, UBE Newark Chapter