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Parochial Reports Due March 1, 2013

Deadline: Parochial Reports March 1
Paul Shackford, CFO

A reminder that the deadline for submitting your 2012 Parochial Reports is March 1, 2013.

Parochial Reports

All Parochial Reports are to be submitted online since the information is supplied both to The Episcopal Church and the Diocese of Newark. You should:

  1. Access the online parochial report by going to
  2. You will need to enter your UEID and PIN numbers (should you need either or both, please email me).
  3. Once you have entered all the data on all four pages (including the names and dates as required on page one, and details of clergy serving your congregation on page four), you should mark the filing “Complete.”

Even if you have already submitted the hard copy of the report, please enter the data online as outlined above.

You should sign the first page of the Parochial Report, as indicated, and mail it to me at:

Paul R. Shackford
Episcopal Diocese of Newark
31 Mulberry Street
Newark, NJ 07102

Alternatively, you may email the signed and completed parochial report to me at

Page 5s

This year we are again asking congregations, as they are preparing their 2012 Parochial Reports to also fill out a Page 5 with new stories of mission and transformation. To make this easier, we are introducing a simple online form with a downloadable template. Like the official Parochial Reports, the Page 5s are due March 1, 2013.

We will review the submitted parochial report and may contact you should there be any questions.

If you require assistance in submitting the report, please contact me at or 973-430-9983.