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Parochial Report Addition - Sharing Our Stories

Michael Francaviglia, Director of Administration

For the most part, the Parochial Report gathers data. We also want to be able to gather stories about mission and transformation.

Churches are invited to provide up to three stories of mission and transformation experienced in their congregations last year. Describe what was done (mission) and what happened (transformation). The descriptions can be for an individual, the congregation, or the involvement with the local community. Text should be limited to 250 words per story.

We are referring to this data gathering as the fifth (5th) page of the Parochial Report. The form is available in Word format for your use.

This information will be collated and shared with our diocesan Mission Strategy Committee. Responses may also be shared with the Presiding Bishop’s Office of the national church and possibly posted on the diocesan website.

The responses are requested by March 1 and sent (email or snail mail) to the attention of Mr. Paul Shackford, CFO, Episcopal Diocese of Newark, 31 Mulberry Street, Newark NJ 07102; 973-430-9983;