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Panamanian Initiatives: A Lesson in Radical Hospitality

Members of the Dioceses of Newark and Panama visited Hogar de Ninas.
Sylvia Montero, Christ Church, Newton

The air bubbled with laughter and excitement as Archdeacon Peter Jackson presented bright orange Halloween cards, made by the Sunday School children of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Montclair, to the children of Hogar de Niñas (a girls’ home) in Panama. The Hogar is a 90-year-old diocesan institution serving orphans and girls whose parents are unable to care for them. They receive substantial support from the Episcopal Diocese of Panama, as well as donations from churches within the Diocese of Newark.

This was just one joyous and busy day in the October 2011 journey of seven travelers who represented five churches in the Diocese of Newark. The Rt. Rev. Julio Murray, Bishop of Panama, his staff, and the rectors of several Panamanian churches led strategic discussions about the nature of companion relationships and ways of promoting and strengthening that relationship. Discussions were also held on ways the Diocese of Newark could help the Diocese of Panama to launch a deacon formation program. The representatives of each Newark parish met with their respective companion parish ministers and lay leaders about ways to develop meaningful working and praying relationships between the companion congregations (see the chart, below).

The group also visited the region of Tortí, where the Kuna indigenous people welcomed them into one of their villages and where the group witnessed first-hand the efforts of the Panamanian Diocese to support projects in sustainable Agriculture and Gender Equality.

The group has returned with heart-warming stories of Panamanian hospitality and faith in action. They are enthusiastic and energized about sorting through the next steps for bringing these amazing experiences home to our parishioners and our diocese. Look for our workshop at Diocesan Convention in January 2012!



Companion Congregations
Parish of the Diocese of Newark Parish of the Diocese of Panama
Christ Church, Newton
Sylvia M. Montero
San Jose, Chorrera
The Rev. Eladio Rodriguez
Good Shepherd, Wantage
The Ven. Elizabeth (Liz) Ostuni
San Isidro Labrador, Monte Claro, Arraiján
Christian Gonzalez
Grace Church, Nutley
The Rev. Pamela Bakal, Stuart Bakal, Martha Reiner
San Cristobal, Parque Lefevre, Panama City
The Rev. Michael (Micky)Dresbach
St. James’ Church, Montclair
The Rev. John Perris
San Pablo, Santa Ana, Panama City
Rev. Manny Suarez
St. John’s Church, Montclair
The Ven. Peter Jackson
