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October Going Local workshop

Bishop Carlye addresses the October Going Local workshop. JULIE CRAWFORD PHOTO
The Rev. Deacon Deborah R. Drake
Bishop Carlye addresses the October Going Local workshop. JULIE CRAWFORD PHOTO

The Congregational Team of Going Local held a workshop on October 20 at Church of the Messiah in Chester. People from various congregations attended to hear about practices they can use to help make space in their lives to listen to God, one another, and how to join God in our neighborhoods. Bishop Carlye Hughes addressed all assembled and gave her support for our attendance and discovering ways to join God in shaping our future.

The half-day workshop consisted of a presentation on a brief history of Going Local and Dwelling in the Word, ways vestry and clergy can support Going Local, the Core Practices, reacting to resistance, and panel questions.

We encourage congregations to reach out to us with any questions regarding Going Local. We would gladly speak with you and hopefully visit your congregation.

The Congregational Team members are Deacon Deborah Drake, Convener; Merica Gellerman, Convener; Sam Reckford, Paul Shackford and Amy Szurly.

Please contact one of the Conveners, Deacon Deborah Drake ( or Merica Gellerman (