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Now, we pray: Post-election church service set for Morristown, Nov. 9

Kevin Coughlin | Morristown Green

[Morristown Green] Many people anticipated the day after the tumultuous 2016 election would be consumed by recounts.

Instead, there will be prayers in Morristown.

The Episcopal Church of the Redeemer is holding a nondenominational service at 7 o’clock tonight, Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016.  Modeled on a vigil for peace, the service will include Psalms, the Beatitudes and candle lightings, said Rector Cynthia Black.

“None of us anticipated this would be as profoundly difficult on the day after the election as it seems to be for so many people,” the minister said of Tuesday’s stunning victory by President-elect Donald Trump.

For six Tuesdays prior to the election, the church at 36 South St. opened its doors on for prayers “out of awareness that this is a really stressful time,” said Black, whose policy is to avoid partisanship in the pulpit.

Bishop Mark Beckwith of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark said he felt called to be “prophetic and pastoral” to people from all political camps, after a Trump campaign of “othering” that he said demeaned many groups.

“Over the past months during the presidential campaign, veiled threats have been made to African Americans, open threats to Muslims, sexist references to women, denial of civil rights to transgendered people, verbal eviction notices issued to Hispanics, gun access to almost anyone and on and on and on…. Jesus wouldn’t stand for it, and neither should we,” Beckwith said in a statement.