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Meet our new Canons

Canon Wright and Canon Clark chat after a recent ordination service. NINA NICHOLSON PHOTO
Canon Wright and Canon Clark chat after a recent ordination service - their first in their new roles in the Diocese of Newark. NINA NICHOLSON PHOTO

Canon Margaret (“Margo”) Peckham Clark and Canon Andrew Wright began working in the Bishop’s Office in summer 2019. Here’s a primer to their work.

Canon Wright is the new Canon to the Ordinary and Chief of Staff for the diocesan office. He works with diocesan committees and governing bodies as well as with clergy and churches in their ongoing ministries. He manages and develops programs for those seeking ordination and for ongoing clergy formation. He also serves as one of the two intake officers (primary contacts) for the clergy and lay misconduct process.

Canon Clark serves in a newly created position, Canon for Congregational Life. In this role, she takes the lead for clergy and churches who are in transition. This can include clergy leaving a congregation, retiring, or changing roles, as well as parishes discerning new or shared ministries. She works with wardens and vestries when a change in clergy is imminent and with search committees during their search. Canon Clark also provides support for congregations and their ministries, supporting ministries of stewardship, leadership development, and congregational development.

Both Canon Clark and Canon Wright also work together collaboratively to assist Bishop Hughes in her work throughout the diocese.

From your Canons:

“Both of us have spent many years in parish ministry (between us nearly five decades) and are excited to join the Diocese of Newark in these roles to support and encourage congregational ministry throughout the diocese. We are thankful for the welcome that we have already received and look forward to getting to know many more of you as we work on your behalf with our Bishop.”

– Canon Clark and Canon Wright

If you have a question or need assistance, both Canons are available to you and eager to support you in your ministry and would be glad to respond. The Canons are also available to do training or coaching for Vestries and other parish leaders on things like strategic planning, discipleship and spiritual practice, Episcopal 101 and other topics.

Canon Clark may be reached at Canon Wright may be reached at You can reach either Canon by calling Episcopal House at 973-430-9900.