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Gratitude Matters: Thank you, God.

Gratitude Matters
Libby Clarke, Christ Church, Short Hills

When I wake each morning, I start with a simple whisper: “Thank you, God.”

I rise and pad through my sleeping household, building back up to my life, up for the day. I reenter the world by garbing myself with that for which I am grateful. I lean close to my daughter’s door to hear her soft breathing. I get dressed as our new kittens silently rub my ankles in greeting. I brew the coffee while saying my prayers and setting my intention for the day. By the time I am out checking the garden, I am fully swathed in gratitude for the life I love and ready to face my day. No matter what I encounter, no matter how I tug and tear, I am thankful – for my life, my part, my very breath.

During this time of isolation, we have a chance to build our gratitude anew. As our plans powered down, animals who used to skirt our periphery are trotting out in the open. Spaces normally brimming with life gently thrum with echos we had not heard before. People who perform the services that keep our lives and towns running are in sudden sharp focus as they pull us all to safety.

Although waiting for the threat to dissipate has been harrowing, we have this chance to recharge and push gently back into a shared new world. We can take this time to reenter life by slowly perusing the layers of our lives we had all along. 

Thank you, God.