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Gratitude Matters: Emily's gratitude

Gratitude Matters
Ross Wisnewski, St. Mary's, Sparta

With Emily's permission, I share a recent Zoom breakout coffee hour conversation that awed me.

My friend, Emily Ference, has been a member of St. Mary’s for more years than my 25 or so. Her parents and siblings too were members beginning way back in the 1970’s she tells me. Lay Eucharistic minister, Vestry member, vibrant puppeteer master at Vacation Bible School, Committee member, loyal worship attendee were among the many roles Emily has faithfully filled at St. Mary’s, always with cheer and appreciation for the roles of others.

About two years ago, as her husband’s health began to fail, he and Emily found themselves less and less able to get to St. Mary’s. Herman’s passing, Emily’s own health concerns and now the impact of the virus have further physically isolated Emily. But that isolation has not dampened her spirit.

At a recent Zoom breakout session following our morning prayer service, Emily enthusiastically stated her appreciation at being able to once again be a part of St. Mary’s worship. She said how wonderful it would have been if Zoom had been available when she and Herman were homebound and sorely missing the shared community of faith. With a voice brimming with gratitude, Emily expressed the hope that whenever our church doors once again open, that we remember to include in our worship in any way possible those who may be unable to join us in our pews.

Amen, Emily.