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Fourth BCEF call of 2013: St. Paul’s in Chatham electrical system

St. Paul’s in Chatham
John King, Director of Administration

The congregation of St. Paul’s in Chatham, founded in 1907, is as integral a part of the community it serves as you would expect from a church located on “Main Street.” A congregation prominently located in the center of town, next door to the public library, St. Paul’s is a growing congregation focused on a mission to serve their neighbors.

No better example of that exists than during Superstorm Sandy. St. Paul’s, which was fortunately located in the part of Chatham that maintained power during the storm, was used for 10 days as a “community warming center,” providing 24-7 relief from the ravages of the storm.

Now St. Paul’s is weathering its own storm.

It has been discovered that water is intruding onto St. Paul’s property from areas surrounding the church property. The severity of the problem is compounded due to water intrusion that is occurring directly behind, under and through the main electrical service for the entire building. Recent heavy rains have created a hazardous situation where standing pools of water have collected under electric panels. Corrosion of the panel boxes for the high voltage lines into the building has also recently been discovered.

These issues have delayed St. Paul’s own initiatives to make St. Paul’s space more accessible to the community’s elderly and disabled. The constant threat to the electrical system also affects everyone in the wider community who could potentially use the church’s space. Before it can make the facility more welcoming, St. Paul’s seeks to insure the safety of all who would enter.

St. Paul’s has taken a measured approach to addressing this very critical problem, by designating some of their own limited funds. The congregation also applied for an ECLF loan to initiate the emergency repairs as well as a grant from the Ward J. Herbert Board. But those funds alone cannot completely resolve this issue. St. Paul’s needs our help. Estimates for the total cost of the project have been in the $18,000 - $20,000 range, but the threat of further escalation in costs remains if the water intrusion is not addressed immediately.

The Bishop is issuing this fourth call for the Bishop’s Church Emergency Fund on behalf of St. Paul’s Church in Chatham. We ask you to consider showing the same generosity of spirit for the people of our diocesan community, that St. Paul’s has shared with the surrounding Chatham community.

“For thou hast been a stronghold to the poor, a stronghold to the needy in his distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat; for the blast of the ruthless is like a storm against a wall…” Isaiah 25:4 (RSV)

The Bishop’s Church Emergency Fund (BCEF) provides financial support for church buildings in the diocese needing repairs and renovation, usually with a special focus on emergency and unforeseen needs. Through the BCEF, you can support the critical needs identified by the Bishop.