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Food Bank Challenges Residents to Use Food Stamp Budget

Diane Riley, Carmen Mollineaux and Traci Hendricks.
Michelle Sartor / NJ Today

“Can you live on $4.50 a day for food?” That is the question the Community Food Bank of New Jersey asked residents this week. The group organized its first Food Stamp Challenge to raise awareness about the program and show people how difficult it can be to rely on the assistance.

The average New Jersey resident who qualifies for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as food stamps, receives $31.50 per week to spend on food. A trip to the supermarket becomes more difficult with the limited budget, which can’t be used for all items in the store.

Community Food Bank of New Jersey Director of Advocacy Diane Riley explained that SNAP money can only be used on food and excludes essentials like toilet paper, toothpaste and medicine. Additionally, the funds cannot be used to buy any prepared food or hot food.

Taking a trip down supermarket aisles with a calculator, it quickly becomes obvious that having $31.50 per week for food is challenging. Buying in bulk, which tends to lower the unit price, is nearly possible with such a limited budget, making the task even more difficult.

Riley, who is participating in the challenge, said she had to make tough choices when purchasing food this week.