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A first-person report from the Women’s Retreat of JOY at Cross Roads

Women’s Retreat of JOY at Cross Roads
Kathleen Bowen, St. Peter’s Church in Morristown

The theme of the annual Women’s Retreat at Cross Roads Camp and Retreat Center, held October 17-19, 2014, was “JOY.” Those of us who attended discovered that joy comes in the morning, afternoon, evening and at night. We were full of love and joy after spending two nights together, meditating, praying, singing, sighing, laughing, listening to each other, and learning about our inter-generational friends ages 18 to 85.

Some of us had problems to relate, and others did not. We did exercises to help us relate to each other and lean on each other (literally). A guided meditation at the end of Saturday’s worship was a personal visualization of a walk through our minds.

We learned to find personal space and time for ourselves to find daily joy. One of us is a painter who will turn off her phone to spend more time in her studio. One of us is passionate about kayaking and finds that to be a place of peace and joy. Several of us work with children and young adults and are mentors as such. One of us brought her mother and aunt, who are very bright seniors, who do yoga regularly and who had much to share about living together now, after many years. They make joint decisions. One of us has a seriously ill daughter, and was able to get away for respite during the weekend. Some felt it easy to find joy and others did not. There were single mothers, single women, grandmothers, more than one denomination. At the end of the weekend, joy was pervasive.

During breaks, we rested, walked in the woods and to the lake, studied, journaled or made a craft to represent our thoughts of a special personal day of joy.

After evening worship led by our spiritual directors, the Rev. Laurie Matarrazo and the Rev. Rose Cohen Hassan, many of us retired to the end room for some raucous games that went on until 2 in the morning. I was fashionable and went to bed about 10:30 listening to the laughing and screaming into the night – another type of joy.

The Rev. Laurie Matarrazo and the Rev. Rose Cohen Hassan were the retreat's Spiritual Directors. DEBRA POROWSKI PHOTO
The Rev. Laurie Matarrazo and the Rev. Rose Cohen Hassan were the retreat's Spiritual Directors.

We enjoyed awesome cooking by Chef Kevin and crew. There were platters of meats, potatoes, pasta, vegetables, and especially desserts. We also sang camp graces at the beginning of every meal. Priscilla, Cross Roads’ Administrative Assistant, was our caretaker and care-giver.

Christian women of any denomination or generation are welcome to join us for our next Women’s Retreat, at about this same time next year, at Cross Roads.