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First BCEF Call of 2013: Church of the Good Shepherd in Wantage Vicarage Repairs

John King, Director of Administration

Through the ages, Almighty God has moved his people to build houses of prayer and praise, and to set apart places for the ministry of the Word and Sacraments.

When visiting the Good Shepherd vicarage tucked into the hills of northern Sussex County, a common reaction is to notice its attractiveness and location.   The house became the vicarage a little more than a quarter century ago and has been maintained over the years. However, time does take its toll on all structures as they age.  In the instance of the vicarage there are interior and exterior repairs needed in preparation for the next clergy person.

The exterior repairs include the roof which is beyond its life expectancy; the rear deck that needs replacement railings and main supports to conform to code along with the decking itself; the pathway from the driveway to the yard and the walk to the front steps which are serious tripping hazards; the garage entry door which has rotted and needs to be replaced; and the overhead garage doors which need to be reinforced.  The interior work includes replacing the fireplace and chimney liner (another hazard); and repairing and replacing items in the kitchen – counters, sinks, faucet, exhaust hood and fan, and ceiling light fixtures.  The total cost for all the work is approximately $32,000. 

In addition to congregational funds, partial financial support will be provided by the Ward J. Herbert Fund, and the Trustees of the Episcopal Fund and Diocesan Properties.  This BCEF call will help the church complete the payments for repairs.

Your generous support is appreciated.