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Diocesan members elected at General Convention

Diocesan members elected at General Convention

Three current and former members of the Diocese of Newark were elected to church-wide positions at the 80th General Convention:

The Rev. Canon Dr. Andrew Wright, Canon to the Ordinary, was elected to the General Board of Examining Chaplains. The GBEC develops the questions used for the General Ordination Exams, administered every January, and oversees the evaluation of the exams. Those seeking ordination are required to demonstrate proficiency in six required areas: Holy Scripture, History of the Christian Church, Christian Theology, Christian Ethics and Moral Theology, Christian Worship, and The Practice of Ministry. These exams are used by many dioceses to determine proficiency.

Laura Russell, Esq., was elected as a lay member to the Court of Review, which oversees appeals of diocesan disciplinary processes and objections to Bishop’s elections. She has just completed a previous term, serving as President, and has been re-elected to this Court. She also serves as the President of the Disciplinary Board for the Diocese of Newark.

The Rev. Canon Greg Jacobs (former Canon to the Ordinary, now retired) also was elected to the Court of Review as a clergy member. In addition, he was elected to the Disciplinary Board for Bishops, which has jurisdiction when formal complaints and charges are brought against bishops that require a disciplinary process.