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Death in our diocesan family: Faith Gideon Brown

Faith Gideon Brown

It is with great sadness that we share the news of the death of Faith Gideon Brown, 73. Her funeral will be held Saturday, February 6 at 12 noon at St. Andrew & Holy Communion in South Orange. A reception will follow in the parish hall.

Faith died the morning of January 20 after being admitted to the hospital the evening of January 18. The Rev. Dr. Canon Sandye Wilson, Rector of St. Andrew & Holy Communion, was at her bedside. Sandye writes, "She was an integral piece of the fabric that is St. Andrew and Holy Communion and we shall miss her. She was an only child and her parents are deceased, so it will be this congregation and her friends who will be her family during this difficult time."

Faith grew up at Church of the Epiphany in Orange, where her family had deep roots. She was active and involved in the life of the diocese for at least three decades and served on almost too many diocesan entities to count, including Diocesan Council, the Commission on Ministry, the Department of Missions, the Gertrude Butts Fund, the Ward J. Herbert Board, and most recently as a congregational consultant and a member of the Pastoral Response Team. She also represented St. Andrew & Holy Communion as a deputy at numerous Diocesan Conventions.

God, our Father, we thank you that you have made each of us in your own image, and given us gifts and talents with which to serve you. We thank you for Faith, the years we shared with her, the good we saw in her, the love we received from her. Now give us strength and courage, to leave her in your care, confident in your promise of eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.