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Christ Church CDC conducts voter registration drive for Hackensack homeless

L-r: Mary Sunden, Executive Director, Christ Church CDC; Julia Orlando, Director BCHHHSC; John Hogan, Bergen County Clerk; Louis Knaub, Board President, Christ Church CDC; Jesus Galvis, Christ Church CDC Trustee. PHOTO COURTESY CHRIST CHURCH CDC

“YOU DON’T NEED A HOME TO VOTE!” was the slogan for Christ Church CDC’s initiative to encourage voter registration by the homeless guests at their Next Step drop in program in Hackensack.

Held in conjunction with National Voter Registration Day on Tuesday, September 27, the event commenced with a presentation on the importance of voting and how to register by Bergen County Clerk John Hogan. Members of the CCCDC board, staff, interns and community partners distributed registration forms and answered questions. The event concluded with a voting booth demonstration.

“We want to help ensure that all eligible voters feel their voices are heard, regardless of their housing situation,” said Louis Knaub, Board President of Christ Church CDC.

Christ Church CDC operates the temporary homeless shelter and Next Step community drop-in program at the Bergen County Housing, Health and Human Services Center in Hackensack.