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Budget Review Resolution

Michael Francaviglia, Secretary of Convention

Budget Review Resolution
Submitted by the Diocesan Budget and Finance Committee
, 01/30/10
(Adopted with amended text, in italics)

Be it resolved, that this 136th Annual Convention of the Diocese of Newark direct the Diocesan Council to institute a review of the budget process, specifically to continue to pursue vigorously transparency in reporting, accountability in decision-making, and fiscal responsibility in accordance with the mission of the Diocese and its stated priorities, including our long-standing commitment to domestic and international outreach and to The Episcopal Church; and that the results of this review be presented with appropriate resolutions to the 137th Convention;

And be it further resolved, that the Diocesan Council Budget and Finance Committee be directed to hold an open hearing on the 2010 budget mid-year, to publish monthly budget reports on the diocesan website, and to hold a diocesan forum in early November as part of the budget process; and that this process of mid-year hearings, and monthly reports and early November forum be continued for all future diocesan budgets.