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Bishop Search/Nominating and Transition Committees update

Search for the XI Bishop of Newark

Thank you all for your continued prayers as we prepare for the search and election of our 11th Bishop of the Diocese of Newark. This time of transition is unique, one which begins with an ending and ends with a beginning, and it allows for prayer, discernment and input from each corner of our diocese.

The Search and Transition Committees have specific roles to play, and we are finalizing the membership of those committees. Both Committees will be supported by a Chaplain, and we are grateful for the guidance and expertise of The Rev. Thaddeus Bennett, our Episcopal Election Consultant.

As they begin their work in earnest this summer, please continue to pray for Bishop Beckwith, our diocese, and for our next diocesan Bishop:

Gracious God, we, your people in the Diocese of Newark, give you thanks and praise for your work among us and through us, generation to generation. Lead us in the months ahead as we prayerfully search for our next Bishop. Raise up for us a steadfast steward who will embrace our broad and blessed diversity and uphold the apostolic heritage of your Church. Guide us to a faithful witness who speaks the Gospel truth in love and joy, and intimately knows your Word and world. Direct us, your disciples, in our discernment so our faith may increase and our works glorify your Name. All this we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit, be honor and glory throughout all ages. Amen.