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Bishop Beckwith invites you to take part in "Ashes to Go"

Ashes to Go

In his Convention address on January 28, referring to imposing ashes at train stations and other public places on Ash Wednesday, Bishop Beckwith described this vision: “Wouldn’t it be something if people from 107 congregations made such a public witness?”

From 7 to 8 a.m. on Ash Wednesday, February 22, Bishop Beckwith will be outside Newark Penn Station imposing ashes on the foreheads of commuters, while Canon Jacobs does the same outside Broad Street Station Newark. Will you join them?

The Episcopal website Ashes to Go provides resources and invites you to add your congregation to their list of those taking part.

If you would like to have your church listed in the diocesan press release inviting media coverage, please contact Nina Nicholson, Director of Communications & Technology (973-430-9907 or, no later than noon this Friday, February 17.

Afterwards, if you have photos of your church providing "Ashes to Go," please send them to Nina by Friday, February 24 for possible inclusion in an online photo album in the February 29 issue of The VOICE Online.