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The Alleluia Fund for Outreach

The Alleluia Fund Task Force

Originally published on Feb. 11, this article was updated on Mar. 25.

What is the Alleluia Fund?

The Alleluia Fund was created to provide a means by which the whole diocese, both congregations and individuals, can, around the resurrection season of Easter, focus, communicate and celebrate the way we incarnate our mission and raise the capital for us to do this work.

All funds raised during the Alleluia Season will flow directly out to the mission programs designated by council that focus on our four target areas: Food, Shelter, Education and International.

What are we asking you to do?

Consider creating new opportunities for fundraising around the Alleluia theme, or a particular mission in one of the four target areas.

If you already have opportunities for fundraising in a particular mission in one of the four areas, consider adding an Alleluia component. This is not EITHER/OR, but BOTH/AND.

If you already have opportunities in a particular mission and BOTH/AND is beyond your reach this year: We want your engagement. Bring us the stories of your mission. We want to include you in the narrative. We want everyone at the table.

When will the Alleluia Fund start?

The Alleluia Fund will start during the Great 50 days of Easter (April 4 through May 23), a time when we embody our faith and belief in abundance and resurrection, focusing on "engaging the world with the hope and justice of Jesus." It will be a time of education, celebration and offering.

How will the funds be distributed?

Eligible organizations will be able to submit applications for grants from the Alleluia Fund each year, and recommendations will be forwarded to Diocesan Council, who will allocate the funds.

How will we know that the Alleluia Fund has achieved its goal?

We will know that the Alleluia Fund has achieved its goal when through our abundance and in the spirit of Ubuntu (“I am because you are”):

All parishes of the Diocese are

     Linked with one another forming

          Living energy which

               Empowers creative opportunities for others through

                   Loving kindness,

                        Understanding needs beyond ourselves through

                             Intentional commitment,


Where can I get more information?

Any member of the Alleluia Fund Task Force would be happy to answer your questions. They are Martha Gardner and Jackie Ross (co-chairs), Patrice Henderson, Diane Riley, Ross Wisnewski and Pat Yankus.