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Diocesan Announcements

Birth in our diocesan family
Announcement | Nov 13, 2023
With great joy we announce the birth of Chloë Malzahn to Vanessa and the Rev. Martin Malzahn on November 9, 2023.
Clergy ministry transitions
Announcement | Oct 30, 2023
Clergy arrivals, departures, ordinations and other transitions in 2023.
Announcement | Oct 17, 2023
A year after the Diocese of Newark launched a visioning process in September 2022, the Strategic Visioning Team presented their recommendations to...
Announcement | Sep 7, 2023
The third BCEF call of 2023 is for rectory kitchen renovations at Christ Church, Budd Lake.
Announcement | Aug 23, 2023
Funding requests for 2024 are due by September 22, 2023.
Volunteers needed
Diocesan Announcement | Aug 12, 2023
Are you interested in volunteering some time from your own home to assist the Diocese of Newark in maintaining our historical archives? As we prepare...
